Riddlin Kids

Stop The World (2004)

Brian Shultz

I'm not really sure what I expected. Good pop-rock songs by way of guilty pleasure? Halfway decent radio singles I could sing along to?

How about absolute crap?

I'll admit, I bought Hurry Up And Wait based on the sheer catchiness of its first single, "I'm Just Fine," or whatever poorly borrowed phrase it was titled. But even in my shittier music tastes of the time did the mediocrity of that album overwhelm me to the point of eventually handing it over to the poor saps at Newbury Comics.

Stop The World is downright uninspired, contrived, forced, boring, incredibly predictable, flatly-produced midtempo poppy rock with recycled harmonies, unaffecting and practically-monotone vocals, guitars devoid of any creativity whatsoever, dragged-out parts missing climactic points, and lyrics worse than the shit I scribbled in my eighth grade algebra notebook.
