Enemy You

Stories Never Told (2004)


I must admit I have a soft spot for Enemy You. They were the first live band that I ever saw when I saw them open up for NOFX nearly six years ago now. After that show I was constantly listening to their first album Where No One Knows My Name, released in 1999, as I walked down my high school halls with my headphones on giving me the excuse of avoiding talking to all those people you always say "Hi" to but you couldn't actually care less about. I really loved that album and could not get enough. Sadly for me, all Enemy You had released since WNOKMN was a few songs on comps and two seven inches. Needless to say, I was very excited to hear an entire album of new material.

Stories Never Told starts off with the one minute and nineteen second blast "Your Way," an anthem about non-conformity, and never looks back with the 14-track album clocking in at just over 24 minutes. Standout tracks include "The Only One," a mid-tempo song about living in a cold, concrete city, and "Failing," which is about sitting around on a Friday night.

The album sticks with the traditional sound of Enemy You, which is one that is comparable to early Bad Religion or skate punk bands like NOFX and Guttermouth, complete with fast beats and vocal harmonies. If you enjoy this sound you'll love Enemy You, just don‘t expect any crazy chords or the second coming of the Pixies because the music is very straight ahead in style.

The trademark of the band has always been their lyrics and the songwriting capabilities of lead singer and guitar player David Jones. The album deals with the themes of feeling alone, growing up, social commentary and politics. The songs are moody, but never to the point where you want to cry out "Goddammit just get over yourself and stop whining!!!" I'd offer sample lyrics but I hate those in reviews so it ain't gonna happen in this one.

There are a few poppier tracks on this album than on their first release ("East and West," "Something New"), but they grew on me and I find myself enjoying them now. The only gripe I have with this album is that the bass is mixed a little low and sometimes this makes you feel like you're just hearing the two guitar tracks, drums, and vocals. This being said the album is still very solid.

After waiting nearly six years I was not disappointed at all by this release and I recommend it to any whom like fast, melodic music, with good lyrics.