
Still Loves You (2001)


D-man is back!! This time with "still loves you" This has became one of my favorite hardcore bands In the past year or so, This EP still has those long, cynical as fuckin shit song titles I mean lots of hardcore bands have the long drwin out song titles but D-man has to have the longest ever. For example, "last weeks minutes from the secret society of friends who actually hate you" or something like that….I dont know all the song title names from the new EP yet because i dont actually own an original version. In fact, It dosent hit the streets until July 24th. But, I swindled it off one of my friends who works in a record store and they get all the promos and demo versions in a few weeks early. Anyway, Back to the record…This is a typical drowningman album, Full of sarcasm, If youve heard D-man's previous efforts you know what i mean, lots of good healthy screaming and a good bit of melody from the boys from burlington VT. If your just getting in to modern hardcore i suggest you check out this band, And if your already a fan of D-man you will love this EP as well. Also check out "busy signal at the suicide hotline" and "rock n roll killing machine" both in stores now. Fuckin awesome.