Bad Religion

No Control (1989)


I was not expecting too much when I bought this album, it was my birthday and someone offered me 3 CD’s and I don’t know why I picked this one, lucky me.

Well, I can’t stop reviewing classic albums, and this one is a classic, one of my favorites of all times, a masterpiece. Bad Religion opens this album with a nice song, “Change of Ideas” is a short song, very creative with great lyrics. Good opening for the album, it gives you the idea of what the album is gonna sound. After Change of Ideas and the second song Big Bang comes a amazing song, No Control. This song is definitely one of the best songs in this album, a different style is used, great lyrics and alternativity between guitars. This song is followed by Sometimes I feel like, and Automatic Man (masterpiece) which prepares the audience for the next song, a big hit. "I Want to Conquer the World" is one of the best songs Bad Religion have done, amazing guitar solo (you’ve heard this song). After this song a bunch of great songs come: Sanity, Henchman, It must look pretty appealing, You (this song can drive anyone crazy, it’s one of the best songs I’ve ever heard), Progress (cool choruses), I Want Something More, Anxiety, Billy and finally The World Won’t Stop.

This album is not only one of my top 5 of all times but changed my life by opening me to listen to bands like Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat, 2 Minutos and Black Flag.

The cover art is primitive, don’t expect too much in this field but what the hell, the music is the important thing and this album has the best “intellectual” music that can be found.