The Nerve Agents

The Butterfly Collection (2001)

Chris Moran

Less than a year ago, The Nerve Agents busted on to the scene with their amazing sophomore effort, "Days of the White Owl". It seemed incomprehensible and unimaginable that anything The Nerve Agents did could surpass its brilliance. 2001 is the year that The Nerve Agents are obviously out to break all barriers.

First, a little explanation of The Nerve Agents to all you kids who are unfamiliar with one of San Fran's premium punk/hardcore bands. Imagine taking Rancid, AFI, The Misfits, a bottle of angry wasps and a couple of bottles of Jack Daniel’s. Take all of these ingredients, toss 'em in a circle pit and presto! You have The Nerve Agents. Pure, 100% pissed-off, mascara-ridden punk/hardcore.

'The Butterfly Collection' is one of the most unique and feel-good albums I have ever purchased. Right from the get-go, just reading the band's explanation of what 'The Butterfly Collection' will make any true punk fan feel both appreciated and understood. As stated by the band, 'The Butterfly Collection' is "The Nerve Agents and those of you who surround us as friends, acquaintances, and appreciators of our music".

The album starts off with 'The Poisoning', an incredible written and paced introductory song that truly sets the tone and tempo of the album. Other mentionable tracks include 'War Against!' (which appears to be a splendid little number about trying to get off some sort of addiction), 'Princess Jasmine of Tinseltown', 'The Legend of H. Gane Circo' and….ah fuck it. Every song on this album is kick ass. If you are in search of a band to mentally kick your ass (and physically if you see them live, trust me) look no further. The Nerve Agents are here to save you.

For those of you looking for a sequel to 'Days of the White Owl", you're in luck. 'The Butterfly Collection' seems to pick up exactly where 'Days…' left off. The only difference is that 'The Butterfly Collection' showcases both stronger songwriting and composition skills.
Bottom line? If you are even remotely a fan of punk/hardcore I can not think of a reason this album should not be on your wish list. Let The Nerve Agents rock their shit for you.