Wonderland Dementation Dept.

Hypnosis (2005)

Jordan Rogowski

The media has been completely engulfed lately in the buzz that is the Michael Jackson molestation trial. The cases have been made, both sides heard, and the jurors are still busy deliberating [Ed.'s note: Review submitted 06/08], but Michael Jackson tribute band Wonderland Dementation Department has released a three-song EP chock full of punk fury and politically-charged lyrics. Okay, so they have nothing to do with Michael Jackson, but you have to admit it would have been quite the interesting take on his music. In any event, this Swedish export has put down some decent music for their American debut.

These three songs are heavy on the political influence, with such lyrical tirades as "You have suffered all too long and it's time for a change / Too many years you have been pressured from above" from the opening track "Hypnosis." Statements like that more or less reflect the EP as a whole, lyrically speaking. The chorus of "we have come for your leaders" resonates above the fuzz of the guitars and pounding of the drums towards the latter part of the song.

"My Fate My Burden," the EP's second track, has a decidedly slower pace than the other two, and a much more melodic vocal approach than the others. That still doesn't exactly make them sound like Jimmy Eat World, it's just not as aggressive in comparison with the other songs. It's not bad songwriting, and it's a good thing they can play with variable tempos, but I can't help thinking the song, placed smack dab in the middle, stagnates this EP a bit. Things pick back up in the latter stages of the song, but at that point a lot of the previous steam has already left the stack.
The album's last track, "June 16th," wouldn't feel out of place on a Strike Anywhere album, with a frenzied beginning, leading way into a spoken word passage buzzing against some excellent guitar work. A quick bass groove leads back into the momentary chaos before the EP ceases completely.

A very energetic work, if nothing else, from this Swedish punk band. The lyrics aren't going to change the world, but getting a few fists pumping isn't too far outside the realm of possibility. They've got a full-length dropping later this year, which I'm now eager to check out, but this should hold you over for the time being.