Mon Frere

Real Vampires (2005)

Meg Reinecker

If weepy female vocals just don't do it for you all the time, you are in a small amount of luck because of the existence of little-known band Mon Frere. While their genre is listed as "powerhouse electro dance rock," they present something even more confusing to a first time listener than a four-word genre.

Mon Frere's EP Real Vampires (no, not the same vampires My Chemical Romance drink 40's with on the weekend) is five songs of trippy, dance-inducing music cluttered with even the occasional powerful guitar lick for those who planned to stop reading after they heard "dance-inducing music." Vocalist Nouela Johnston isn't singing about boys in tight pants or the most recent Bright Eyes release, either. On the contrary, she touches subjects from "ninjas to strange mathematics." The EP's first track "R.V.D.G.S. (Fighting Mad)" will make you clap, while second track "Up Circle" consists of synths in the likes of Mates Of State and a beat fans of the Faint could surely appreciate.

Real Vampires is a blur of jazzy rhythms, unique vocals and the kind of lyrics that would please even the geekiest of listener: And in my eyes, that's pretty impressive.

R.V.D.G.S. (Fighting Mad)