Suspect Device

A Moment's Notice (2004)

Jordan Rogowski

Enthusiasm goes a long way. Nobody wants to listen to an apathetic, going-through-the-motions punk record that makes you think the band would rather be doing anything else but recording the songs they're playing. It's a total downer, and thankfully the opposite is true with Suspect Device and their 2004 effort A Moment's Notice. Twelve tunes of Social Distortion-inspired punk rock that are each an anthem in and of themselves.

Bursting right through your speakers, this band has a serious level of energy about them. You can feel it, you can feel their vigor and enthusiasm, and you can't help but raise your fist and sing along to these fun, fast-paced tracks. With almost every song being around the three-minute mark, the songs are the perfect length to really get into, without feeling any sort of drag. "Ripped And Torn" is the longest song to be found here, at almost four minutes, but it's also one of the best examples of the great songs the band is capable of writing. They keep the chords and drum fills simple, and it does very well for the band, though not to say lead guitarist Duncan Southerland isn't open to inject some life and quick riffs every once in a while. No matter the song difficulty, at the core, these are just solid anthems to sing along to.

And sing along you will.

The band's energy is absolutely infectious without ever coming off as cheesy or contrived. It's just good, honest, enthusiasm. "No Control" shreds through its three-minute duration with singer Jason Bennett ‘s lyrics serving as a call to arms. The themes to be found are simple, but wide-ranged enough to influence and be related to by a wide audience; "Midnight turns to early morning, and you're on the street again / Everywhere you've been, you've been thrown out and you feel like a fugitive / See the trash glisten like in the rising sun, like the city rising above you / The only way you can see is to take it all down." The lyrics show that despite the upbeat nature of the music, that the world isn't all sunshine and full of goodness. These aren't new concepts by any means, but when they're attacked in the right way, it's a lot easier to take note.

Suspect Device aren't looking to outspeed anyone, or drown them out with a wall of sound, but if you're looking for 12 solid punk anthems to pump your fist to and drink a round with your buddies, the band is more than ready and willing to be your soundtrack.