Static Revolution

You Look Good (2005)

Richard Verducci

Those of us born around or before the mid-eighties got to experience an amazing period of time in hardcore punk. An era where hardcore music could be melodic without being sappy, emotional without being whinny and girls' pants were worn by girls. This brings me to Fury 66, a band I first heard in my friend's car as he introduced them: "A new band that has something to do with Good Riddance." I wouldn't learn until later that at one time that ¾ of Good Riddance played in Fury 66 or that lead singer Joe Clements, along with GR singer Russ Rankin would go on to run Lorelei Records. I would, however, always remember how amazing that album was and thinking Fury 66 was going to be huge.

Skip ahead a few years and it is obvious that despite being an excellent band, Fury 66 did not achieve the notoriety many of their contemporaries did. This may help explain Clements' recent endeavor called Static Revolution. The band is made up of Clements and former members of Abhorrence, Jetlag, First to Fall and Cupcheck. The band did a small stint of tours and recently released their first album, titled You Look Good, via Lorelei Records.

The first thing this album does is instill an instant nostalgia for the years gone by. The songs are relatively short (eight songs clocking in at almost exactly 15 minutes), punchy and hook-laden. Clements' lyrics are impressive as always, utilizing great metaphors and managing to be vulnerable without sounding pathetic. He even appears to come to terms with his Fury 66 past on the standout track "Ballad of a Never Was." Clements' vocals (which go from straight singing to full out screams) are not quite what they used to be. However, he performs with such sincerity and reckless abandon that the flaws are more endearing than annoying.

Musically, the album takes its cue form a good deal of hardcore bands. The guitars rip through both punk and metal riffs, at times resembling Strung Out and at others sounding more like Snapcase. The drums are the most inconsistent part of this album, unfortunately. Sometimes they are absolutely stellar ("Empty Pill Box"), and sometimes they do little more than provide a beat ("New Topic"). However, it is clear that their drummer, Nate Kantos, is fully capable of impressing, so I hold out hope for future records.

The record does contain other flaws, such as the fact that Clements' vocals overpower the music at times. However, most of them are hardly noticeable, especially when the volume is turned up to 11, which is how one should listen to this album. This record is a great item for fans of the older era of melodic hardcore, but with its old-school values and balls-out style it may prove a more valuable purchase for eyeliner-wearing trend-hoppers. The first time I heard this record I couldn't help but recall the first time I heard Fury 66 and think that this band is going to be huge. Whether or not they ever make it big, it is clear that Static Revolution has the ability to make music that should be heard and can't be ignored.