Escape the Fate

Dying Is Your Latest Fashion (2006)


Escape the Fate's Dying Is Your Latest Fashion has success written all over it. Not only does the album feature all the violent, cliché-filled lyrics that most nü-screamo bands use today, but they also have a sense of fashion, of course, and have gathered a sizable following. Not only that, but their vocalist on this album (having left the band after the recording) has a voice that's nearly identical to From First to Last's Sonny Moore. So by now, you'll probably know if you're gonna like this release or not.

The best thing that can be said about the album is that it is a progression over their EP released several months ago. They don't exactly re-invent themselves, which was only inevitable considering the short span in between the two releases, but they at least are able to craft a few enjoyable moments here and there. Now don't take that statement the wrong way -- this is no way a good album at all, but unlike their EP, there are a few parts on songs that aren't absolutely terrible.

"Situations," which was previously released on the Unsound compilation, actually showcases a rather catchy song structure that is only hindered by Ronny Radke's vocals cracking occasionally at the end of lines and slightly cheesy lyrics. "Not Good Enough for Truth in Cliché" somehow is able to produce lyrics like "sitting in this room playing Russian roulette / finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet / this blood on my hands is something I cannot forget" until an annoyingly catchy chorus.

However, a majority of the bands nowadays can craft a few good songs but are incapable of keeping it up the entire album; add Escape the Fate to the growing count. "The Guillotine," which was featured on their EP, should have never even been considered to be placed on here. Featuring generic and entirely weak screaming over fifth-rate metal riffing and the weakest breakdown in quite some time, the song is like having someone throw up in your ear. "The Day I Left the Womb" is a nasally sung and painful to endure acoustic song that feels entirely forced. "Cellar Door" somehow manages to include an industrial-sounding drum line that is worse than the horrendous attempt Eighteen Visions attempted earlier this year. The rest of the album plays out as a rockier version of From First to Last, maybe even bound to confuse the casual listener into thinking that this actually is From First to Last themselves.

Remember this?

I don't want to come off like an asshole, But we're gonna be that change in music. I have a vision. I want people to have fun, put their fists in the air. We're getting recognized in every city. It's gonna happen. Watch. I'm not jokin'. We're gonna be the biggest thing. So huge. I know it.

Apparently Ronny Radke has large expectations for Dying Is Your Latest Fashion. Apparently his band members didn't get the memo as this album doesn't change music, has no vision, isn't fun, and is as generic as it gets.