Radar Mercury

Thank You, Goodnight (1999)


I was just recently introduced to this band..And me being a big fan of most of the bands on Doghouse records, I was optimistic about hearing these guys.

It's not punk, It's not hardcore, And I am NOT calling it emo. Its just flat out rock and roll, no but's about it.

All four songs are good..I can say I was kinda thrown off at first by the first few seconds of "million dollar messenger boy" but it soon picked up into some good rocking stuff.

The only problems I have are with the singer. It would boost my liking of this EP up there if he would just sing a little louder, and at times his voice becomes a little too whiny for me, but the rest of the band is stellar with the perfect mix of the crunchy, and clean sounding guitar not to mention awesome bass lines and good drum work.

I would compare them to the likes of great bands such as Errortype:11, The Get up Kids and even J-church. It's just some good rock and roll and it's a nice CD to put in to get away from all punk and hardcore..(which we all need to do sometimes).