
Pop-Punk's Not Dead (2007)

Bryne Yancey

The best way I can describe pop-punk's appeal is that it's comfortably familiar. While it may not be the most innovative genre, there's an inherently endearing and easily relatable quality about a guy or girl singing about girls or guys. There's nothing overly complicated about it -- everyone's been there and everyone knows what it's like. Those who can't write and record songs about it are thankful for those who can. Dave Parasite of the Parasites has compiled this 30-track bohemoth to showcase both veterans and upstarts of the pop-punk scene.

Since reviewing each of the 30 tracks would be a bit tedious, here are some highlights:

Pop-Punk's Not Dead, as it and any other genre-specific compilation of this kind should, serves not only as an introduction for novices but as a refresher course for long-time fans. It goes by fast despite its 71-minute length, a product of both quality songs and a nice sequencing job. Fans of each crowd should be more than satisfied with this superb collection of tracks from bands both the old and new school.