This Is a Standoff

Be Excited (2007)

Alex Marriott

Yes, it sounds like Belvedere. But there are differences. First of all, This Is a Standoff's debut LP is slightly less agressive sounding than Belvedere. Partly because the band seems to opt for a less metallic sound, and partly because TIAS are missing Scott and Jason -- who provided the shouty parts in Belvedere. I was worried a little about this at first. But after over a week with Be Excited in my CD player, it's hard to believe I ever lost faith in Steve Rawles' abilitly to write a damn good tune. Oh yeah, another difference…the production is FINALLY absolutely spot on. Score.

Any Belvedere fan will tell you they were the kings of skate, and I really can't see any fans of said band turning their nose up at TIAS. The speed is there. The technicality is there. And, more prominently than ever, the huge choruses are there for all to see. "Where I Can't Be Heard" is just stupidly massive and is a perfect example of how Be Excited still brings the rock without so much of the sick solos and aggressive riffing. It seems clear to me that the guys from Canada have absolutely no intention of living in the shadow still standing two years after the break-up of Belvedere.

So enough of that band. Let's talk tunes. "Better Than All of Us" never lets up for a second and represents everything that's good about this type of music. That is, speed and so much feeling behind the music. An ode to touring, "There's a Little Lemoncello in Everyone" is definitely the poppiest number here but sandwiched between speedballs "An Admission" and "Silvio" is well placed to up the good times. Finally, the last track, "Dream Beater" is worth a mention as my personal favourite, not only of the album, but of anything released in the last few months. However, to be honest this super melodic piece of pop/skate shows up the second half of the album. Just to clarify -- I am NOT suggesting the presence of filler. It's just a damn shame the high standard the gang set themselves in the first half isn't matched. We could have had a semi-classic on our hands to fans of the genre.

Be Excited won't be attracting any new fans to fast melodic punk -- I just hope kids take enough cash with them to the store this week to allow this to sit proudly alongside Career Suicide in their collections as an important reminder of when loud music goes fun.

A solid 7, as the longevity still needs to be proven. Cheers.