The Receiving End of Sirens

The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi (2007)


How do you define the Receiving End of Sirens? Too "punk" to be "progressive" but too "progressive" to be defined as "punk." So is the case of their second album The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi.

Based on the concept of 16th-century astronomer Johannes Kepler's theory of the tonality of the solar system, TREOS bring to the table much of the same from their debut and more. Not since the glory days of `70s prog-rock has an album been written on such a unconventional topic, but with that being said, TREOS pull it off with much originality and variety that to this day make them very hard to define them in a set genre.

The triple-pronged vocal attack on almost every song gives The Earth Sings Mi Fa Mi a lot of depth and variety and is evident on songs like "Saturnus" and "Stay Small." TREOS establish a continually atmospheric sound that builds more of an air than their Thrice-via-Artist in the Ambulance-esque debut tended to provide. The lyrical content behind the album is very interesting and quite compelling, based on the theory that each of the planets in the solar system produces a tone as they orbit the sun. The Earth produces the notes Mi, Fa and Mi on the vocal scale, which Kepler said stood for Misery, Famine and Misery. This theme runs quite rampantly through the album, especially with a song like "The Salesman, The Husband, The Lover."

The music on the album is powerful enough to transport the listener away to the somewhat dark yet artistic nature of the concept behind the album. Combined with the experimental nature of the synths that plague the album, the solemn melodies and very muchly abstract lyrics ("I fell in love with an empty place"; "Your most soothing song won't lead this sheep astray"), it's enough to make the listener divulge into the darker side of their mind.

After all is said and done, TREOS have produced what could be one of the most underrated albums of 2007. Definitely one to have in your ranks.