Juvenescent Beat!

A Man Could Get Shot for Asking Questions Like That (2008)

Brian Shultz

Juvenescent Beat! start with a base of Revolution Summer-style hardcore directly in the vein of Embrace and Rites of Spring, then add in plenty of the rugged guitars and emotion of early Jawbreaker. However, they even have some poppier elements that seem like they could rope in fans of old Saves the Day. They also claim influence from the writings of Allen Ginsberg, Friedrich Nietzsche and Jean-Paul Sartre. While this sounds like an amorphous blog of sound and thought, it really does seem to work after a few spins.

In "Consider No Man Happy Until He's Dead," Juvenescent Beat! display mild proof of their lyrical inspirations: "When will actions / Cease to simply be motions? / And I'm weighted down / Always weighted down / Lead strapped to my legs and arms / Confining me." It's got a great driving riff and their vocalist's delivery here is particularly stabbing and punctual. Closer "When Someone Asks If You're a God, You Say 'Yes!'" is the most intense number here, and it should definitely catch your ear for its wailing guitars and adolescent roared vocals.

With patient listening, the mess of influences Juvenescent Beat! combines on their A Man Could Get Shot for Asking Questions Like That EP morphs into a sensible and effective slab of able-bodied songwriting and raw, unfettered melodies.

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