Celebrity Autopsy

Fast American Rock N' Roll (2008)


Among other things that make this release exceptional, the title says it all: Fast American Rock N' Roll.

This is unabashed guitar-driven rock 'n' roll played by young punkers that have nothing on their agenda but to bowl you over with two tons of guitars, piss, vinegar and driving rhythm. The dueling guitars don't stop squealing throughout the all-too-short 16 minutes of this EP.

The tag-team vocals are definitely worth a mention, too. One moment you hear snide, snot-punk squealing and the next minute a Lemmy-esque chainsaw howl is screaming bloody murder.

Lyrically, the subject matter isn't too expansive. Tunes like "Beer Gut" and "Wrecking Ball" deal with the repercussions -- if you can even call it that -- of being a party animal. The rest of the songs ("45 Women," "Blizzard of Love," "Pull the Pin" and "Get It All") pretty much piggyback off the same theme -- they just focus on different aspects of being a rock 'n' roll party animal.

It's only fair to drop some frames of reference when describing a young band that aren't exactly a (punk) household name yet. One fair description would be AC/DC's Back in Black LP played at the 45 RPM speed. Another may be Dillinger Four meets Motörhead. Regardless, Celebrity Autopsy are barreling through rock 'n' roll on their own terms and it sounds like they could care less if you're on board; they're gonna have fun regardless.