Good Luck

Into Lake Griffy (2008)

justin August

Good Luck start their debut with "How to Live Here," a song that sets the tone for the whole album: It's fast without being aggressive, melancholy without being navel gazing, positive without being a put-on. It also makes you feel like it's 90 degrees outside and you've got no choice but to sweat it out. As the band continues, you begin to get the equation of the band: It's equal parts noodly, clean guitars with punchy basslines and jazzy drum fills. It meshes together very well, creating a very unique sound that almost asks for comparisons to bands like the Weakerthans in their early years.

Tracks like "Pajammin" get their groove on, while the duo of "Stars Were Exploding" and "Bringing Them Back to Life" showcase the songwriting and vocal talents of frontpeople Matt Tobey (Matty Pop Chart) and Ginger Alford (One Reason, Love Zombie), with "1001 Open Hands" displaying how anthemic you can be without being trite. The band takes a lot of the best elements of the respective players' previous acts while infusing their sound with a very jammy, clean aesthetic. The whole disc is very unique, defying easy classification and comparisons.

I'd be remiss to review this without mentioning the fact that the disc has not left the car stereo in nearly three months, was the soundtrack to a recent cross-country trip, and has been topping my Last.FM charts for some time. Simply put, this is the best album I've heard this year and despite new releases from some of my favorite bands (Dead to Me, Dillinger Four, Alkaline Trio, the Constantines) I don't see that changing.