Face To Face

Reactionary (2000)


For the longest time, Face to Face was my favorite band. Their lyrics were great, their socal sound made my ears ring with joy, and Trevor's voice is the perfect punk vocal. Then they released Ignorance is Bliss. I have heard that the album starts to grow on you(after a year) but what I heard of it made me want to break my stereo and cry at the same time.

After IIB, Face to Face decided to return to their roots of fast punk rock (thank God!) with their new album, Reactionary. They also let their fans vote on which songs would go on the cd, which was really cool. However, excluding songs two and three, the album was suprisingly dissappointing to me. "Out of Focus" might be one of F2F's all time best songs, and the next track "What's in a Name" is also one of their best songs ever, right up there with "I used to think" and "1,000 times". But the rest of the songs are somewhat mediocre in Face to Face standards.

Don't get me wrong, it is a good album, much better than Ignorance is Bliss, but it still doesn't compare with Dont Turn Away or Big Choice. I love Face to Face, but I didn't love Reactionary.