World Collapse

Deutschland Deutschland! Into the Night (2008)


During my first listen to this EP by Germany's World Collapse, I did not want to like it. It has many ingredients that, when thrown together, are the type of thing that I generally can't stand. It's got hardcore parts, electronics, intense emotional vocals and lyrics inspired by new wave, and the layout features some way-too-serious pictures of the band looking like detectives from the 1920s complete with ties, suspenders and gloves. On top of that I couldn't figure out why an overtly hardcore label like Reaper would put this out.

The second time I listened to it, I liked the first song kind of as a guilty pleasure, but couldn't get into the rest. On the third listen I found myself humming along to the second track, "The Second Life." Later, I would find myself going to this CD first when I got into my car. All of a sudden, despite all of its superficial negatives, I realized that I fucking love this CD. What on paper could sound like a description of any modern rock radio garbage band is actually a forward-thinking mix of `90s NY post-hardcore and actual `80s new wave -- not just a fourth-generation rehashed version filtered through a mesh of Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots-inspired frat rock.

Throughout these six tracks World Collapse shows a real tendency to experiment and a refreshing attention to detail. There is a certain darkness and optimism that pervades these tracks and it shows itself in all aspects. "Heavens" starts out with a polished hardcore riff harder than most beatdown bands that gives way to surprisingly nimble fast guitar riffing, yet all without sounding like a hardcore band. I particularly like the outside-the-box guitar solo near the end of this track and I don't even like guitar solos.

The title track "Into the Night" is mostly electronic-based, but it works because it's got a great melody and keeps driving. It's just another example of a type of song that I would generally not even listen to all the way through. Heavy synths and electronic beats? I should hate this, but it's just too good.

While the whole is good, if there is one piece that stands out for me, it is the vocals. With lyrics written by drummer Rene Natzel, singer Erich Scheuss shows complete command of his vocal performance on a level that I would consider "professional" and not just a singer in a band. It might be his performance that is able to take this band from something I would dismiss to a record that I can really get into.

If you go to their MySpace page and listen to it, you might think "what is he talking about?", but trust me, this is good. I definitely recommend it for fans of Heavens and other bands that incorporate electronics into a rock setting without getting too cheesy.