The Honor System

Single File (2000)


[insert clever anecdote depicting some circumstance that grabs your attention while revealing that the author is quite an intellectual that leads an ever so interesting life while throwing in self-depricating details that actually shine light on one's vanity]

[insert information about ex-members intended to impress the reader but is flawed in a small way therefore opening the author up to a floodgate of criticism and poor grammar by owners of SUM 41 t-shirts and plaid Chuck Taylors]

[insert general opinion of album using hyperboles and more high flatulent language while comparing said album to something said t-shirt and shoe owners are familiar with and ending up sticking in highly descriptive phrases like "emotionally charged punk rock" and JAWBREAKER refrences]

[insert particularly memorable lyrics although when stripped of music sound completely irrelevant and meaningless but nonetheless the author's expresses his/her's urgency in such a manner to dimminish any credibility or creativity left]


One may purchase this album, listen to it a few times and shelve it in favor of THURSDAY and SAVES THE DAY. Other than upsetting this particular reviewer with horrible judgement calls, this said consumer is of the majority. Unless the consumer made this purchase at an Honor System show. In which case, he/she would immediately log onto and attempt to describe what he/she has just witnessed.

Like many bands of independent fame, The Honor System is best appreciated live. Comparable to SWEEP THE LEG JOHNNY's intensity and Q AND NOT U's awkward dancing, The Honor System proclaims… well, not a whole lot.

Chicago-bred these legendary midwestern boys can be seen holding down jobs at the Fireside Bwl (not a typ-o) and local daycares to make enough money to release records and tour and converse upon socialism till the wee hours in the worst part of downtown St. Louis. They let the music speak for itself and while obviously fitting the Chicago emo sound (with a little DC thrown in for good measure) do not fall into any stereo types which is very refreshing. Solid color t-shirts and tricked out amps are so punk rock this year afterall.

The album is amazing. The two guitars compliment each other so well it is beyond the murmer of "oh-that's-neat." The vocals are straight-forward and neither rough nor ruff. Politically laced "emo"-stories oftening involving drinking, unkempt apartments and sitting on hills. Right… kind of like BROADWAYS' lyrics.

Rob steps up and throws it down on the skins. The entire record is a drum fill. He never misses a beat live and recorded he is pure genius.

Please don't miss this. Take what we know from under-appreciated Chicago Asian Man bands, they won't be around for much longer.

I am quite aware of this reviews meadering and self-mockery, but it's entertaining for me to write these things like I do.