After the Fall

Collar City [7 inch] (2010)

Brian Shultz

After the Fall just wrapped the recording on their newest full-length, so we better get up this review of their last 7", Collar City, before it's just ridiculously dated.

Collar City is three short bursts of the band's unfettered take on aggressive punk rock, informed plenty by pessimistic-sounding melodic hardcore and technical skatepunk. However, the latter of these styles seems like much less of an influence on the band than usual, save a brief flash of shredding during closer "Comatose." Additionally, the recording is noticeably rougher and more raw as a result of doing it on an analog console with veteran NY hardcore producer Don Fury. Fury's experience seems to push the band here in a meaner, more intense direction--the opening title track is probably the most combative thing the band's done yet.

After the curt, coarse middle effort "Coaster," "Comatose" ensures both an alliterative bend to Collar City and at least a little bit of variety. Its opening shows the band can still add a little bit of atmosphere and mood to what they do before the song blasts back into their normal speed.

Just as fast but a little bit harder, After the Fall might be morphing--or already did?--into some sort of harder and simpler but nonetheless raging punk/hardcore band. Collar City is a lot like the demo for that potential transition.

Collar City