Black Flag

Live DVD (1984)


If you like bad camera angles, terrible lighting and hate extra features, bass and the boring time between songs, well then, this DVD is for you! I don't really want to lie to you--this DVD is kind of hard to watch with those elements to it. I guess you could call it DIY, but I believe the Brits that recorded and edited this project had little experience with what they were doing.

There are times where your face is planted into Henry's sweaty back for more then a passing tenth of a second. After you have to deal with that, you are given a shot that looks like it was filmed in a cave during an eclipse. This DVD only covers one show, which I like, seeing a band in their element, but the editor decided to cut out any time between songs, which is pretty annoying to me. Lastly, the bass is pretty soft while vocals and guitars are overwhelming.

It's not all negative--there are some great things about this DVD. If you listen to Black Flag post-Damaged then you get to hear and see Black Flag play most of