Davy Lee Marrero

Tomorrow DVD (2009)

Joe Pelone

In the Internet era, do we still need skate videos? When skateboarders' greatest tricks and ">worst injuries are just a couple of clicks away, it almost seems silly to pay for a skate video (but then, some people might say the same thing about paying for music. Those people are dicks). To that end, Davy Lee Marrero's video for Division East, Tomorrow, gets by on style over substance. It doesn't pack 900s or torn gooches, but it hits that satisfyingly competent middle, soundtracked by Dr. Dog, Los Compesinos and one of those Busta Rhymes songs where he shouts "Busta Rhymes!" every other line.

The skaters themselves are all decent, although their bag o' tricks usually comes down to either grinds or kickflips. Between the 29-minute main feature and 42 minutes of bonus features, that's an awful lot of footage of dudes mounting walls and curbs. Marrero switches it up as much as he can, though. The soundtrack jumps from Sebadoh to Dr. Dog, and he experiments with different footage qualities. Sometimes it's crisp, sometimes it's grainy, sometimes there are random shots of strangers.

This video is meant to highlight the up-and-comers, so it never focuses too much on their accidents, although some of those spills clearly hurt. Nick Immediato probably makes the biggest impression since he's up first; he sets the tone for the DVD. The rest of the skaters follow suit, tearing up asphalt and grass along the way. Tomorrow isn't the most mind-blowing experience, but it's generally well-shot and it boasts an enticing soundtrack.