Change Today

The Survival EP (2010)

Brian Shultz

Change Today formed from the ashes of the Fight Between Frames, who were apparently a southern metal band on Rise Records I've never heard of. I'd venture a guess they were another faceless act in the sea of cookie-cutter metalcore/"screamo" on the roster. This band, however, seems like they at least have the potential to make a better mark, playing melodic, slightly metallic hardcore that plays it relatively safe, but has a few hints of something greater.

They're nothing if not relatively versatile. Opener "The Start of Something" has a beat that could be generously called thunderous, somewhat like Life in Your Way or With Honor, but certainly less technical than the former and with some overall cheesier lyrics. The more brute "Farewell" sound a bit like a less Terror-esque Soldiers, while "Weathered" slows down the tempo all the way through itself. "Weathered" is relatively boring, but picks up a promising air towards the finish that gives you the sense the band is capable of way more than the rehashed words they're singing and soggy chords they're usually playing. "They Live" even throws in some thrash.

"Burning Towers" is kinda like the most accessible Defeater song possible, with guitars and rhythm much more simplified, rambled vocals and an intro that resembles AFI circa The Art of Drowning. It flows well into closer "Gathered Ashes", and it's this last third of the EP that seems most solid, ambitious and well-crafted of the entire release.

This has its moments but much of it has been done a million times over. Change Today could stand to…well…you know, simply by rooting out their best qualities and developing them well.

The Start of Something
They Live
Gathered Ashes