Art by Mitch Clem (Nothing Nice)

So once again, your pals at are in the holiday spirit, and that means a gift for you. We know some of you have seen this, but many haven't, so if you have; consider this our own form of "re-gifting". It's the thought that counts…

We offer to you the entire set of Philadelphia hardcore-legends Kid Dynamite's final show, which was part of a special concert series in the summer of 2005 to help save the famous NYC venue, CBGB's. In the end, the club closed and will be reopening in Las Vegas.

For your viewing pleasure, you can watch it here: Streaming at Google Video Or you can download the entire video in MP4 format (226 MB) here: Download Kid Dynamite live @ CBGB

We'll be taking the day off to eat way too much ham, unwillingly watch A Christmas Story at least 3 times and hopefully injure ourselves with a new Nintendo Wii. Fingers crossed. Happy Holidays from everyone at!

[A note from Brian, the most ballin' reviews editor ever: Don't get verklempt expecting a full reviews update tonight; I'll be posting a meager 7 in light of the year-end lists that will arrive in the following update.]

We would also like to take a second to remember everyone that we've lost this year: Pig Champion, Jason Sears, Brent Dowe, Alan Confrey, Buck Owens, Ian Copeland, Desmond Dekker, Syd Barrett, Lou Richards, Brad Andress, Sandy West, Larissa Strickland, Dirk Dirksen, Anita O'Day, Logan Whitehurst, Perry Henzell, Darren Brown, Ahmet Ertegun and Joseph Bernard Zak to name a few - we know we didn't get a chance to give everyone the sendoff they deserved. For all of their friends, family and fans - our most sincere condolences. We hope the holidays find you safe, warm and happy.