Via an Anonymous Source, Posted by Games and Technology

Tom Delonge of Angels and Airwaves recently discussed his new project, In particular, he addresses the recent Radiohead hype but expresses some concern about how it could translate to less well–known acts:

Radiohead giving the record away for free is cool because it created a lot of press and got people talking, which is good because the music industry hurts. It didn't solve anything. It was good for them. (Angels And Airwaves guitarist) David (Kennedy) always says it best. It's cool that they did that, and they were able to do that. But for younger bands and smaller bands coming They need help. They can't give away their records for free, yet.

We have some ideas of what we think is working. We started a thing called Modlife, which is an operating system of sorts which is an operating system of sorts that helps bands and artists and anybody of that like broadcast various parameters of their art.

It allows bands to give away their music away for free if they choose, but be connected to the fans basically through the best technologies that exist right now. Yeah, my company, I started it, and we spent a lot of capital, resources and energy and passion on this because we really believe we have an answer for the music industry.

You can find the rest of the interview here.