Fake Problems
Contributed by ben_conoley, Posted by Side One Dummy Dispatches

Fake Problems are the latest band to join us for a series of Dispatches as they tour with Murder By Death through the United States. The band is also praparing to release their new album It's Great to be Alive on February 17 through Side One Dummy Records. The video for "The Dream Team," the album's first single can be viewed here.


Day 1: Tuesday Naples FL to Atlanta GA

Packed up and ready to go. This is legitimately the most prepared I've ever felt for a tour, save the fact that our CD's and shirts are not with us yet, but they're coming in tomorrow. The first official day of tour is tomorrow in Kentucky, so today is for driving to Atlanta to stay with my great Aunt Sue. Great as in the adjective, not the relative term, she's just a great lady! We were going to take advantage of the Denny's "Free Grand-Slam" give away situation, but the line was ridiculous so we were forced to eat Wendy's. Wendy's sucks. And it's even worse to put a baked potato in your mouth when all you want is sausage. (Go crazy with that one everybody).

We stopped in Gainesville to pick up some old CDs from the man, Jordan Kleeman. He made me dig in the trailer to give him a copy of our new LP and it was awful.

Day 2: Wednesday Atlanta GA to Newport KY

9:45AM: Aunt Sue really IS great. She made us lasagna and cookies. Sean ate 6 cookies in one sitting. This rock life is out of hand. We also watched "The Rocker". It was awful, I fell asleep. Awake now, driving 7 hours to Kentucky to meet up with Murder By Death.

3:23PM: We just listened to Christian Bale's Terminator freak out. What a guy!

5:15PM: Made it to the venue, on time! As soon as we got here, Sean jumped out of the van, slipped and fell on the ice. According to him, his arm hurts bad but I think he's just mucking it up for attention. We were also (un)pleasantly surprised to find that only our buttons had made it to the show, and not our shirts. So no shirts for us tonight. We have to pick them up tomorrow at FedEx. Ugh.

1:56AM: Great show! Murder By Death and The Builders and the Butchers are both superbly kind groups of people. I have a really good feeling about this tour. I also spotted a Look Mexico sticker in the bathroom here. I know Jeff Rosenballs said it in his dispatch, and I'm going to echo his sentiment: It is really comforting to be somewhere so far from home and know your friends have been here before, or just to feel their presence in some way, through a sticker or a t-shirt, whatever. It makes everywhere feel more like home. Also this girl from Naples bought us all shots of jager and it was AWESOME (gross).

Day 3: Thursday Cincinnati OH to Lancaster PA

8:30AM: Hate cold. Hate early.

11:43AM: We picked up our merch and I've been watching Big Love all day on my computer. Bill Paxton is such a dick. In real life and on this show.

8:49PM: Murder By Death is playing now - the curfew tonight is 10PM, so it's an early night. We're driving to NYC tonight as soon as we get outta here.

There's a taco place across the street called "Senorita Burrita" and it is amazing. I guess it's more of a burrito place than a taco place. Whatever.


m. ward - hold time
the promise ring - very emergency
coconut records - davy
live webcam feed of dante3000's bathroom