Red Scare signs the Sidekicks

Red Scare Records has signed Ohio four piece the Sidekicks. The label also dropped an update on the The Lawrence Arms' 8th Annual Unbelievable Self–Indulgence Fest tour with Sundowner, the Falcon and American Steel. It would almost be a crime to rewrite Red Scare's press releases, so here we go:

The Sidekicks are like, dude, Brendan's favorite band right now. So we're gonna release, distribute, promote, yada yada, their new record, "So Long, Soggy Dog". They're an awesome young band in the vein of HWM, AM!, TLA, D4, and maybe some other abbreviated punk bands. Perhaps we'll call them SK? Maybe not. We're gonna start with a digital release, then get rad from there. Go check out this band because they're young as hell, but wise beyond their years and brimming with talent. They also don't give a flying fuck about traffic cones. Inquire within.

What's new on the tour with American Steel and The Lawrence Arms? Well, I had to fire our driver, send two band members to the hospital, and we got fucked by UPS today. ALL IN ONE DAY! The good news is that the shows are going great and that Teenage Bottlerocket is gonna play with us in Denver. Sweet meats. 'Til Next time...