Nothington update: recording, left coast tours and staff updates

The fine folks in Nothington have passed an update to us a bit early concerning staffing changes and their upcoming plans. An excerpt of the email tells the tale:

We are now writing
new stuff for the next record that we're really stoked on already, and
anyone coming to west coast dates will probably hear some of it thrown
into our set. Hopefully, we will be able to record by early summer and
get it out there for ya. So as mentioned, we are probably only playing
the left coast for the next few months. We are also getting ready to
record a song for the much awaited BYO box set. As for the guys in the
rhythm section, who a lot of you had the misfortune of meeting on our
last tour, we have Tony Teixiera (Mike decided to hang up his spikes)
on bass and Luke Ray who will be our touring drummer (congratulations
to Gabe and his Wife who are awaiting their first child.)

The band is preparing for the follow–up to All In with some West Coast dates with Dead To Me and Teenage Bottlerocket, the Gaslight Anthem, Comadre and more. You can see the whole statement below by clicking Read More.
According to Mr. Northington we can expect one or possibly two new songs to be debuted at the Teenage Bottlerocket and Dead To Me show at Bottom of the Hill on March 21st. Texts don't lie.

So, at least a few of you are wondering what the hell is going on in
the Nothington camp since our last tour and maybe wondering who the
guys playing drums and bass were… So here goes: We are now writing
new stuff for the next record that we're really stoked on already, and
anyone coming to west coast dates will probably hear some of it thrown
into our set. Hopefully, we will be able to record by early summer and
get it out there for ya. So as mentioned, we are probably only playing
the left coast for the next few months. We are also getting ready to
record a song for the much awaited BYO box set. As for the guys in the
rhythm section, who a lot of you had the misfortune of meeting on our
last tour, we have Tony Teixiera (Mike decided to hang up his spikes)
on bass and Luke Ray who will be our touring drummer (congratulations
to Gabe and his Wife who are awaiting their first child.) So there you
have it, Gabe, Tony, Chris and I are busting ass to write the next
record and can't wait to get back out there with our new songs. See you
-Jay and Nothington