Exclusive Videos: The Gaslight Anthem (interview/performance) Part 2, info on new record

We return this week with the second installment of our interview/performance with the Gaslight Anthem. This segment includes two more live performances, and more of our talk with the band. If you missed it, you can check out part 1 here.

We also have some information on the band's new album. Our initial plan was to be clever and have Brian Fallon, Gaslight's singer/guitarist announce it in the video. But due to some technical issues, the footage and audio of that can't be used. However, we asked Brian about the new record and here's what he said:

Yeah, it comes out August 18th on SideOneDummy Records. It's called The '59 Sound.

You can check out the video below by clicking Read More.

The Gaslight Anthem - Interview/Performance Pt 2 from Chris Moran on Vimeo.