The Living End entering the studio

Australia's finest, The Living End, are heading into the studio with producer John Agnello at Water Music Studios in Hoboken, New Jersey. Agnello forged a name for himself in the heady days of the '90s, working with Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jnr and The Hold Steady.

Frontman Chris Cheney adds:

After quite a long period of writing/demoing we are keen as hell to get in the studio and make the best record of our career. We are more excited about the new material than any time before in The Living End's history – seriously!

There is a heaviness and depth to the new stuff that we simply haven't had before. We haven't worked alongside producer John Agnello before but judging from the rock records he's done, we feel he can capture the energy and attack that we are after.

The record is due out in mid–July and follows State of Emergency released in 2006. Our friend Terry of Ryan's Hope interviewed Chris around the release of their last album. You can check out the interview here.