Mike McColgan talks about experiences in Gulf War

Mike McColgan, frontman for Boston, MA's Street Dogs, spoke out about his experiences in the Gulf War in a recent interview with blogger Mitchell Blatt. McColgan joined the military in 1989 and was deployed in 1990. In the interview he reconciled his role as a veteran and an an active opponent of the current Iraq occupation. Among his comments:

Looking back in retrospect, I have no misgivings about the nature of my service and being proud of it, yet I feel that, clearly fossil fuel was the nature of the conflict, and oil plays a part in all Gulf Wars.

...we expelled Iraq from Kuwait and then restored the correct balance to OPEC and the region and gave Kuwaitis back their nation. Just to make this clear, Kuwait also has oil, and we draw off that as well.

The full text of the interview can be found here.