Dispatches: The Menzingers: Episode 3

Philadelphia's The Menzingers are currently working on their new EP titled Hold On Dodge. The release will mark the first material for their new home, Red Scare Industries.

The band's last release was A Lesson in the Abuse of Information Technology back in 2007.

Each member of the band will be submitting a studio journal to Punknews, and today we bring you the third installment from lead vocalist/guitarist Tom May. You can check it out below by clicking Read More.


Sorry about that, for a second I thought we were a virtuous bro-core band explaining why we have to start fights with people who are different than us.

So today was Day 3 in the studio, and boy was it eventful. I woke up on the lone futon in Mike's studio. Its one of those rooms where there is no possible way to tell what time of the day it is. There are no windows and I unplug the lights at night, so I keep waking up in a strange twilight that seems to cross the bridge between the fucked up dreams (I always have ridiculous dreams at the studio for some reason) and the reality of being at the studio.

The consulting team came and took us out to lunch today. We've met once a month with the consultants ever since GE acquired Red Scare Industries. There's Jan, from mergers and acquisitions, Todd from AIG (in case we need to recieve billions of tax payer-borrowed dollars instead of going to jail), Andrew, VP of new media development, and this time they brought along Fred Wolchinski from the Department of Homeland Security's youth outreach office, DHS YOO!.

Over a delicious steak at Ruth's Chris on 51st St. in Manhattan, we reviewed the EP's progress and talked about our future. You see, its all about synergy. GE helps make weapons. The more war the more weapons, the more profit for all of us! They want to help us turn our pro-war, pro imperialist stance into the voice of a new, more complacent generation. As an appreciation for our cooperation, Fred Wolchinski gave us charm necklaces adorned with the pulverized bone fragments of Iraqi housewives. He even offered funding for a tour of poor inner-city neighborhoods and dried-up midwest farming towns in an effort to bolster recruiting!

We returned inspired and ready to work. I picked out most of my choppy Screaching Weasel-esque guitar riffs and yelled into the mic for a while. Greg and I still have to write vocals for the end of a song, but it'll come. Joe's definitely not as board as I suspect I would be. Eric's been thumpin that tuna for a while, and it sounds great.

I feel the songs are written better this time around, and the guitar tones are pretty bad-ass. Working with Jesse and Mike is pretty awesome, they both really know what they are doing and they are slightly intimidating enough to ensure that we all take everything seriously. Jesse is working on a pretty great website, http://musformation.com/. You should check it out.
