Chris Arredondo leaves The Briggs due to injury

Longtime drummer Chris Arredondo has left the Briggs due to a longtime injury. He explained:

After years of chronic pain in my left wrist and years of doctors telling me it's just tendonitis, i finally found out that i have had a broken wrist for (what they can tell) 10 years. Recently the pain has been so bad that i can't even sleep. After consulting different doctors about what i can do for this, we've come to the conclusion that i need to remove the fractured bone and fuse the remaining 4 carples (wrist bones) together making one big wrist bone.

This will make the pain and swelling go away but will also make me loose 50% in my range of motion.
Unfortunately the healing time will be anywhere from 8 months to a year. That means that I can not play drums for anywhere from 8 months to a year. [...] To be fair to myself and to the rest of the band, leaving was really my only option.