Anti-Flag hoping to release album in the Fall

In a recent interview with Blare Magazine, Anti-Flag's Justin Sane revealed that the band is hoping to release a new album by the fall. Sane is also hoping to release a new solo album:

Going into studios you haven't been in for quite some time and playing festivals, that's really what keeps you going as a band because you build new relationships when you're traveling. As far as our career goes, we have been working on some new songs and are hoping to release a record in the Fall. I've also been working on a solo album as I haven't done anything since my last record which was six or seven years ago. [...] We've been recording over the last couple of months and will be finishing up during the end of summer. There has been some ideas for a title but nothing confirmed yet; we've thrown around a few things and one of them is Magnum (laughs). It's a reference from Zoolander. I think now, it's definitely going to be the name of the new record.

Two of Justin's bandmates are gearing up for the release of their debut as White Wives. That record, Happeners, is expected on June 28, 2011. Anti-Flag's last album was The People or the Gun. in 2009.