Bad Religion, Rise Against covering Bob Dylan for Amnesty International

Bad Religion and Rise Against will be contributing covers to an upcoming Bob Dylan tribute album for Amnesty International. According to BR guitarist Brett Gurewitz' twitter, the band is currently recording their contribution to the release, which at this point has not been revealed.

Rise Against, on the other hand, will be contributing their cover of "The Ballad of Hollis Brown" to the compilation. In a recent interview with the Edmonton Journal lead singer Tim McIlrath explained his interest in Dylan:
"I'm kind of a born-again Bob Dylan fan, I'll be honest... I grew up in a punk rock/hardcore world where it wasn't cool to listen to folk music, so I'm just now discovering a lot of amazing artists. Bob Dylan was one I passed on in the past, but now I'm digging into his catalogue and really appreciate his stuff."

The compilation is to celebrate Bob Dylan's 70th birthday and Amnesty International's 50th anniversary. Further details concerning tracklisting and other artists have yet to surface.