Reviews from controversial new Clash documentary

Reviews are coming in after the official premiere of the new documentary, The Rise And Fall Of The Clash. The documentary takes a less laudatory tone that previous documentaries about the legendary The Clash, with more of a focus on the ' downward trajectory of "the biggest band in the world."'

The film features exclusive and previously unseen footage of the band as well as interviews and other content, with more of a focus on the latter period of the band after co-vocalist Mick Jones was kicked out and the band began touring with hired musicians. A Boston Globe article notes:

It's an ugly story; Clash guitarist Jones and manager Bernie Rhodes put the Clash together [so the] Clash was a "fabrication." Rhodes told the Clash to write songs about "politics and not about love." The Clash wrote some of the great political punk of all time but they couldn't sustain any unity. They ended up kicking out drummer Topper Headon because of drugs. Several spokesmen in the film suggest that the Clash should have taken time off to let Headon enter rehab (he is clean and sober today), but Rhodes insisted that the band keep touring and get another drummer right away. The shock of the film is how raw the emotions still are. Rhodes and Simonon wouldn't talk on camera

You can also check out commentary from Rolling Stone, Louder Than War and Jim Sullivan. Find a trailer here.