Sunday Edition: Tonight We're Going To Give It 35%

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Here's your question and answer of the week from the Punknews Formspring:

Q: If you could attend any concert, what would it be?

A: Oh man, what a question! Well.........

There's the "first" Black Flag show at the Moose lodge where they played first, were kicked out, and snuck back in wearing wigs and played a second set after the Alley Katz and Rhino 39


There's the infamous Dwarves show at 924 Gilman that started, and ended with HeWhoCannotBeNamed swinging his guitar at the audience like a battle axe


There's the Rolling Stones live in Texas in 1978 where they played almost all of some girls and a did a bunch of older tunes and Chuck berry covers in a punk rock style. Thankfully, after years of sitting in the vaults, this show was released as a live album and I think it might be the best live album ever.


There's the famous Beastie Boys / Reagan Youth / Bad Brains show where all three bands were at their punk rock prime.


The Stooges in 1970 when Iggy was wild but not completely out of his skull on drugs.


Dean Martin, Sinatra, and Sammy Davis at the Sands in their rat pack prime (Dean was the most talented, Sinatra was the hardest working, and Sammy was the funniest).


The insane and secret all punk rock Beastie boys show where they played under the name Quasar from 1995.


There's the wild show by Jerry Lee Lewis where he was mad at Chuck Berry for making him play first, so he did an insanely berserk show in a gym auditorium that ended with him lighting the piano on fire (We could also see if he really did use the N-word, or if that is just someone trying to defame him)


Johnny Cash live at