New Review Update: Whirr; Headspins

How was your weekend? Should I see The World's End? I should, shouldn't I?

We've posted a couple new reviews. First, Brian Shultz riffs on the new EP from modern shoegaze peddlers Whirr,

Around, however, might be their watershed moment. Anyone who's witnessed the band play in person recently might notice the absence of the female vocalists present on this four-song, 28-minute-long EP in question, and the greater focus on deafening, dissonant atmospheres that barely pay any heed to Whirr's studio work.

Read Brian's review of Whirr's Around
right here.

Then, Greg Simpson explores the new full-length from Chicago pop-punks Headspins,

Headspins play light-hearted pop punk, fronted by alternating male and female vocals. There is the obvious debt to Ramones, but the Muffs and '90s pop punk a la the Queers are a big touchstone as well. The two ladies, Jean Teasdale and Julia Sugden, steal the show by carrying big melodies with pretty-n'-punk pipes.

Read Greg's review of Headspins' Spinister
right here.

Don't forget, you can catch on all our review at our reviews page. If you'd like to submit a review of your own, you may do that here.