New Review Update: Saves The Day; Coke Bust

Different ends of the punk spectrum today for sure. Diversity!

Today's first new review is from Bryne Yancey Bryce Lancer, who expounds on the new Saves The Day album, the oddly titled
Saves The Day:

Longtime fans may initially bristle at the shift, but Saves The Day is actually the band's best work in quite some time, maybe since Stay What You Are.

Read Bryce's review of Saves The Day
right here.

Then, Rich Cocksedge gives a few minutes -- nine, actually -- to the new Coke Bust record

Coke Bust provide the soundtrack to every non-peaceful protest the world has seen; it's vitriolic, belligerent, in your face and most of all, downright effective.

Read Rich's review of Confined
right here.

Don't forget to read all of our reviews here and to submit your own here.