New Review Update: Rudimentary Peni; Norma Jean

Man, that HWM / Torche / O'Brother tour is gonna be fun.

Anyway, today's first review is from John Gentile, who continues his exploration of Southern Records' Rudimentary Peni reissues with

For the most part, Archaic follows the tradition started by 1998's Echoes of Anguish. The band smash out simple but powerfully massive riffs while Nick Blinko growls the lyrics, which more often then not are merely a couplet repeated for a minute.

Read John's review here.

Then, Tori Pederson goes in-depth on Norma Jean's new one,

... finds the group hearkening back to the heaviness of their early work, crafting possibly their most aggressive record yet, but in a completely new way that is anything but a retread.

Read Tori's review here.

Don't forget to catch up on all of our reviews here and to submit your own here.