New Review Update: Tigers Jaw; The Mad Conductor

Burning the 10 p.m. ET oil here. Today's first new review is from Renaldo Matadeen, who checked out Tigers Jaw's new 7-inch

Whether or not they're broken up or back together, touring or not touring, or whatever else is conjured when traipsing around the news of Tigers Jaw, one thing's for certain -- fans are glad they're doing the long goodbye. They deliver time and time again, and what Hum adds two more tracks to that pile that serve as a stark reminder of just why Tigers Jaw are one band we can't audibly afford to have to go away.

Read the review here.

Then, reader mouseteeth tells us about The Mad Conductor's new LP
MC Rises:

The Mad Conductor, who have some ex-members of that crusty skacore band No-Cash, have been making super original full-band hip-hop for a while now. Like Deltron 3030 or Dr. Octagon, the songs are conceptual in nature. MC Devlin isn't just an MC. He's also a kung-fu wizard that works nights as a vigilante. In one song, he's a baseball player. Most importantly, he's an MC, and he's a damned good one.

Read the review here.

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