New Review Update: Morning Glory; Kanye West

Weekend time, baby! This is John G comin' at atcha and I'm seeing Integrity and Bomb the Music Industry! this weekend. Will I see any of you there? It will all rule.

Starting next week, I'll be alternating days with my home-dawg and yours, copy editor Adam E, AND we'll be running three, count 'em, THREE reviews a day. SCHWING!

Aight, now to reviews:

First, staff reviewer Ricky rivals me for biggest Morning Glory maniac at the 'org and writes about their new single Pet Monster:

"Pet Monster" sounds like a bridge between the earlier "The Whole World's Watching Morning Glory" with the newer "Poets Were My Heroes Morning Glory," in that it seems like the band took the best of both worlds and put them into one song.

Then, to counter balance all that PMI, reader Strumz saw that Kanye's Yeezus album was on so many staff writer "best of 2013" lists (Managing Editor Adam white and Editor Joe Pelone have even taking to wearing those shutter-glasses), and wanted to give his take...:

All in all, this release was overrated, and so if you decide to give it a listen don't be surprised if it doesn't meet the expectations set by many critics.

Looking for another (or any) review? Head here. Want to submit your own review? Do that here.