New Review Update: Fist City / Piss Test; Atrocity Solution; Perfect Pussy

Adam E. here, back with three new reviews for you today, all of which are totally smurfy.

First, staffer Rich C. digs into the Fist City/Piss Test Split 7-inch:

What is it with Drunken Sailor Records and the ability to put together cracking split releases? This is not the first time the label has come up with the goods in respect to split seven-inchers, and I expect it won't be the last.

Next, reader Strumz spreads the gospel about Atrocity Solution's
Lost Remedies

Lost Remedies bears the listener on a musical voyage from ska to skate, through melodic hardcore and on into the realms of crust and thrash, even flirting with classical along the way.

Finally, editor Joe Pelone shares his thoughts on
I Have Lost All Desire For Feeling
, the cassette demo from Perfect Pussy:

Sonically, Perfect Pussy sounds like a continuation of Shoppers. Punk verging on hardcore, Feeling is super lo-fi, which suits all the tape hiss anyway.

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