New Review Update: The Gaslight Anthem; DC Fallout; The Shrine

This is Adam E., taking a minute from my busy work, which mostly involves poking people on Facebook, to bring you three new reviews:

First, staff reviewer Tori P. spends some time with
The B-Sides
, the new collection from The Gaslight Anthem:

The B-Sides is, sadly, the first record bearing the name The Gaslight Anthem that is a non-essential purchase. It's unclear who the target audience for this record really is, as any fan die-hard enough to seek out the band's castoffs has heard all of these songs before, and new fans of the band would do much better to seek out one of their proper records.

Second, staffer Rich C. gets all political with DC Fallout's

The targets for DC Fallout's lyrics are as one would expect, with war, governments, big businesses, religion and (the lack of any effective) gun control taking the brunt of the anger that obviously lies deep within the belly of the band.

Finally, staff writer Ricky struggles his way through The Shrine's
Bless Off

Clearly this band has a very specific demographic, but based on Bless Off it's as if The Shrine yearns to be a metal band that is desperately trying to bring the 80s big-hair era back.

Looking for another (or any) review? Head here. Want to submit your own review? Do that here.