New Review Update: June 16, 2014

This is John G and we are still recovering from last night's Punknews Podcast #200. It was awesome. World/Inferno Friendship Society founders Jack Terricloth and Scott Hollingsworth played a super, super rare song and it was amazing. Erik Petersen of Mischief Brew played a brand new track and explained what "Pennsyltucky" is.

Crazy and the Brains played a song in a cornfield across the street from a KFC. Max Stern of Signals Midwest showed off impressive muttonchops. Joel of Plow United / Ex Friends brought Jayme of Ex Friends and they kicked out a brand new tune.

Also, we bid goodbye to soundguy Nariman. Editor Adam E. put on a skin suit and sang "Goodbye Horses." We'll post the "podcast version" of the episode soon, but in the mean time, you can watch the whole thing here.

Today's reviews are: