Frank Turner attempts indoor show, finds plan not feasible

As reported by Brooklyn vegan, recently, Frank Turner did a "test run" indoor concert. It was not a success.

The UK has a five stage plan for the return of live performances amid Covid-19. The plan is currently in stage three with allows outdoor shows (with social distancing) and the beginning of government-supported tests on indoor shows. Frank Turner gave the indoor thign a shot.

Turner played South London venue The Clapham Grand at 20% capacity. Pursuant to UK rules, the staff was doubled, attendees could not sing, and other restrictions were in place. Even though Turner did not take payment for the show, it was still a financial loss. Turner stated, in part: " There was no talent spend (I didn’t get paid), and no advertising spend (the show sold out pretty much straight away), and yet it still lost money. And the Grand is a versatile space, as an old music hall, in a way that many independent venues are not. We needed to show that this isn’t a complete solution or a workable model, that either restrictions need to change or more funding is required; essentially that fight is far from over."Turner will release a split covers LP with Nofx tomorrow via Fat Wreck chords.