Fucking Invincible

Fucking Invincible [cassette] (2012)

John Flynn

Fucking Invincible are a new hardcore band out of Providence, R.I. You may have heard their song "Shithouse" on the Punknews Podcast. The band has burst onto the scene with this five-song cassette, and while they may not be creating a bold new path for hardcore, they do what they do damn well. Throughout the just-under-eight-minute running time, the energy is kept high, with furious riffing and propulsive drumming.

And we must not forget that scream! There's a lot of emotion conveyed in the vocals, beyond simple aggression. The closing track, "Ginsberg," has pained, almost mournful singing from vocalist Alexis.

The music, of course, never lets up. To mosh is to live, and whether it be light-speed riffing or crushing breakdowns–especially on the aforementioned "Ginsberg," a track that is definitely a high point on the tape–the band's assault comes hard.

Production-wise, the whole thing sounds great. Maybe even a little too good. I can't speak for how the actual tape sounds, since I've just listened to the stream online, but a little tape fuzz and crackling could rough up the sound in a pleasing way.

All in all, Fucking Invincible aren't reinventing hardcore or anything, but they do it well. Definitely worth a listen, and one to look out for live.

You can stream the record here.