The Third Round of Punknews and Paper + Plastick auctions are up at Limited Pressing

Our third round of auctions to benefit the earthquake relief efforts in Haiti are now underway. Below you can find a sampling of the records - trust me they are pretty great. As we start our third and final round I'd again like to extend an incredible amount of thanks towards Vinnie from Paper and Plastick Records and Less Than Jake, Tom and Nick from Limited Pressing and Josh from Vinyl Vlog. These folks have been working non-stop adding special features to the website, bugging every person they know in the world and pulling records off their shelves to keep this auction going. We're all lucky to have folks like this within our community, willing to dedicate their time and selves to an altruistic cause such as this.

Anyways, enough bloviating, check out this sample list and spread the word! Let's break $20,000 this time! AND if you want to just send money to an organization, send your e-receipt to and we'll add it to our totals!