New Review Update: Riot Fest; D.O.A.

Have a great weekend! Go outside, it's nice.

Today's first new review is from reader davebrave4, who seemed to enjoy Riot Fest in Chicago:

All in all, given the preponderance of amazing bands and the relatively cheap ticket prices, Riot Fest Day 2 was probably the single best concert I have ever attended. And for the rest of you junk-food-crazed Americans out there, the food was actually much better (and cheaper) than I expected.

Read Mr. Brave4's review of Riot Fest Chicago right here.

Then, our own Rich Cocksedge eulogizes D.O.A., sort of, in reviewing their new live album
Welcome To Chinatown:

With a final tour being set up as I write, D.O.A. take a bow with this live recording taken from three shows, spanning a period of 18 months, at The Rickshaw Theatre in the band's hometown of Vancouver. As one would expect, the tracks played on those nights provide as close to a greatest hits package as you'd ever find from the band.

Read Rich's review of D.O.A.'s Welcome To Chinatown
right here.

Don't forget to read all of our reviews here and to submit your own reviews here.